We believe that being sustainable is an essential requirement. the travelers' expectations are changing, increasing and seeking not only a unique experience, but also creating a careful aware of our social and environmental responsibility.
Added values
The management of proposals and activities highlights, the research of sustainability on the following aspects:
- Rational use of natural resources,
- Contain the impact from tourism activities
- Containment and reduction of the production of waste arising from activity
- Optimize the use of materials and promote the reuse of the same
- Promotion of recycling and waste separation
- Use of local resources
We are convinced that in the future will be fundamental a requirement to be sustainable at all, with great awareness of our social and environmental responsibility, to create not just a place for travelers, but also an encounter with ecological and environmental ethics.
Local, seasonal & fresh
We are convinced that food tastes best when prepared with fresh ingredients, grown and harvested with a proper respect for nature. that is why we work, anytime we can, with the best local producers.
Do you really know what goes into your food? the basic principle of organic farming is to achieve an high nutritional quality of food, which is non-chemically treated and minimally processed. animals reared on organic farms are treated correctly and with the proper space.
highest quality our philosophy is based on hight quality products, on the choise of raw materials, for sure the best we can offer. our hands are the instrument trought which we can ensure tasty and fragrant products, in a perfect symbiosis between nature and experience.
Fair trade
Buying fairtrade is an alternative approach to the conventional commerce, which ecourages the development of other countries: thanks to this trade they have opportunity to improve their lives and plan for the future.
The Hotel
C-Hotel was built according to the principles of bio-architecture, that respects the health and promotes saving by using the latest technologies. We chose the sustainable construction, with a special attention to the balance between the surrounding environment and the building, not a burden on the ecosystem. We created everything using natural resources and reducing harmful emissions to the maximum, favoring renewable energy sources, environmentally friendly materials and techniques. Have not been used pollutants in the structure, furniture or tissues.
Thermal insulation
We have a good thermal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, to conserve energy and not to waste. In this way, we can reduce consumption up to 70% for heating and cooling, helping to lower CO2 emissions. We try not to exceed the optimal temperatures indicated for both adults and children, even in winter, in perfect armony with your health and the planet.
Acoustic insulation
In our facilities we went for silence and tranquility, to create a relaxed ambience, free from the noise that may disturb your privacy.
About the artificial light, we studied the most correct position in each environment in order to avoid any wastage. Now we have a new generation of lamps with low-power consumption, timers and sensors to turn on and off the lights when needed. Every night we light our candles in the common areas of the hotel: they are decorative, economic and ecological, moreover giving off a warm and cozy sensation.
Back office
We try to reduce the waste of paper, using it only when necessary. We are equipped with photocopiers of new-generation, that save electricity, toner and paper.
Plastics and other packaging materials made our lives easier and cheaper for many reasons; through recycling we are able to reuse these materials(beyond their inteneded purpose) or produce new resources, in order to prevent any sort of waste.
Pet friendly
The four-legged friends are welcome. In 2011, our group was awarded by the Ministry of Tourism as the best "Animal Friendly" hotel company, for developing tourism policies to promote and encourage a new awareness, tavoring the reception of tourists who travel with their pets.